What is Transition Year?
One year school based programme between Junior and Senior Cycle.
It acts as a bridge between Junior and Senior Cycle - from more dependent
to more independent self-directed learning.
“I started 5th year but realized I wasn't ready at all. Since then, I 've been given a chance to do so much - I would never have had the chance if I had continued in 5th year.”
Education for maturity with the emphasis on social awareness
and increased social competence.Education through experience of adult and working life as a basis for personal development and maturity.
Promotion of general, technical and academic skills with an emphasis on interdisciplinary and self-directed learning.
Why consider transition year?
A maturing year
Resulting in students pursuing the Leaving Certificate with more purpose and motivation
The curriculum has been developed with an academic focus to provide a strong foundation for the Leaving Certificate
“I know exactly what course I want next year. TY gave me a chance to decide what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.”
Irish, English, Maths, French, German, History, Geography, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Ag. Science,
Business Studies, Home Economics, ICT, PE, Music, Career and Personal Development, Religion
New timetabled modules:
Chinese, Drama & Debating, Sign language, Health & Wellness, Craft & Design
Other Activities:
Driving Campus
Law Day
John Paul II Awards
Subject Related Projects/Competitions
Language Exchange Programmes
Charity Fundraising
Sign Language
Driving Campus
Mentoring Programme (optional)
Drumming Workshop
Outdoor education - Blackwater Activity centre/Surfing/Alternative
2 one week work experience placements
Competitions - Young Scientist Exhibition, YSI, Mini Company, Build a Bank,
Milk it Awards/alternative, Eco Unesco, One Good Idea, Sci FestGaisce
Film Making/Song school
Benefits of Transition Year
More informed on Subject Choice
Independent self-directed learning
Assessment (AFL)/Self-assessment
CAO choices/course requirements
Self-management skills
Time management skills
Study skills - independent, self-directed
Group/project work/research skills
I.C.T. skills
University Links through placements
“I have really loved TY and I am glad that I did it. It has helped me develop confidence and now I find it much easier to talk to people. I have made some really great friends and we get on really well. It has also helped me choose my subjects for 5th year. I would recommend it to everyone”