Welcome to the business department website of Presentation Secondary Mitchelstown. This site is to aid students studying Business Studies at Junior cycle. This website was create to help develop a greater understanding of the subject with the use of videos, interactive assessments, one page revision summaries, business postcards and notes. It can be used anytime by students and parents.
Each page has
learning objectives. These can be used as questions for study and revision
Videos - These video can be used as a visual to example different business concepts
Interactive Activities - This will help with definition that need to be known in business
Class notes - These are notes written by the teacher
One page summaries - To aid revision before the exam
Business postcards - to check understanding of a learning outcome and aid revision
There is also information about the learning outcomes, CBA1, CBA 2 and the Assessment Task. I am hoping to create a business podcast with students talking about the different learning outcome
I hope you enjoy it, that it makes the subject easier to understand but more importantly that if helps you to develop the life skills for after school
Curriculum Specification
Please click the picture below to get access to the Curriculum Specification for Business Studies
Alternative you can look at the links under this section
Business studies aims to stimulate students’ interest in the business environment and how they interact with it. It develops skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviours that allow them to make informed and responsible decisions with all of the resources available to them, ensuring their and society’s well-being, while becoming more self-aware as learners.
Key Skills
Click below to view the document
Overview of Course
The specification for junior cycle business studies focuses on improving students’ understanding of the business environment and on developing skills for life, work and further study through the three inter-connected strands:
Personal finance,
Enterprise and
Our economy.
1. Personal finance
Personal finance focuses on students developing a set of skills, knowledge and values that allows them to make informed decisions to effectively and responsibly manage their financial resources.
2. Enterprise
Enterprise encourages students to identify opportunities and turn them into practical and targeted activities within business and wider society through the development and application of their understanding, skills and values. It develops students’ basic understanding of the financial, marketing and operational functions of an organisation.
3. Our economy
Our economy enables students to understand the dynamic relationship between the local, national and international economic situation. It develops students’ ability to identify and understand basic economic concepts as they relate to personal finance, enterprise and the Irish economy.
To give further emphasis to the integrated nature of learning, the outcomes for each strand are grouped by reference to three elements:
Managing my resources
Exploring business
Using skills for business.
These elements describe a three-fold focus for learning in the business classroom. Each element particularly focuses on the goals of the learning process, that is, the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and values.
Expectation for Students
Expectations for students is an umbrella term that links learning outcomes with annotated examples of student work. The examples of student work will have been selected to illustrate expectations and will have been annotated by teachers. The examples will include work that is
in line with expectations
above expectations
These descriptors mention above will be used to assess CBA 1 and CBA 2. These will be given by the teacher inline with the features of quality for each CBA (Seethe section on CBA1 and CBA 2) . The purpose of the examples of student work is to show the extent to which the learning outcomes are being realized in actual cases. .
Click here to see example of work provide by the NCCA
Assessment & Reporting
The assessment of business studies for the purposes of the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA) will comprise of
Two Classroom-based Assessments, Business in Action and Presentation
A final assessment. This wil lbe corrected by the SEC
An Assessment Task (Based on CBA 2). This will be corrected by SEC
Learn More:
CBA 1 → | CBA 2 → | Assessment Task → | Final Exam →